Why are older men so f***able?

I know I’m not the only one, who has fantasies with older men swiping me of my feet (or fucking me hard against the wall, either one is good). And before you start going “that’s disgusting, she likes old men”, I said older men, not old men, because I’m talking about an age gap of 10 to 15 years. I’m in that age range where 15 years isn’t gross. But to tell you the truth, about five years ago I would have agreed.

My limit on the age gap has always been 10 years. Because when you’re 18 years old, a 28 year old guy looks really good and mature (spoiler – they are not), but 32 year old might seem a little bit to old. Now however, a man who’s between the ages of 38 to 42 seems like a good catch. And some men just get better with age. They really are like fine wine and I never thought I’d be able to say this, but I do see myself having a daddy kink (let me clarify – I’d have a daddy kink with some Hollywood actors. In real life I would probably never, in a million years, find a man to call daddy).

I feel like this post is becoming me being a fan-girl for many celebrity actors currently in the spotlight (and I’m not going to say any names. Maybe in a later post I’ll talk about, who are the men in Hollywood, who get my  heart racing and bring very dirty thoughts into my mind) and I do apologise for this, because this post isn’t about how hot celebrities are.

I myself have always been a little scared of dating a older guy. The oldest I’ve dated has been 5 years older and he was my first boyfriend (I was 16, he was 21 – it was a beautiful thing). Maybe it’s just that where I live, all the older men, who I could see myself dating, are already taken. The majority of single older man are just creeps, who have let themselves go or have other issues (probably live with their moms and spend their free time ogling on the internet young, pretty girls who they will never have).

And I’m not looking for a good time. I really need a man, who is mature enough and helps around the house and loves me for everything I am. So that’s one reason an older man would be a perfect match for me. But also I’m at a weird age, where younger men have something I might want. So let’s see if I ever get a boyfriend, if his older or younger than me (cross your fingers that it’s an older guy, who is an actor and who’s so damn fine that I wouldn’t mind him doing whatever he wants to me).

With love, daydreaming Kriss

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